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3D Render


Forests in Peril is a new, special exhibition created by the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The exhibition comprises 7,500 square feet and will be installed in the Third Floor Gallery. It includes digital and hands-on interactive displays, live tanks, mounted specimens, dioramas, and graphics.


Forests in Peril tells the story of the crisis faced by the world’s trees as anthropogenic and natural causes continue to devastate the world’s forests. The content is divided into eight sections:


1. Why We Need Trees
2. Historic Use of Trees
3. Human Habitation/Expansion/Urbanization
4. Diseases and Invasive Species
5. The Amazon: Clear cutting and Mass Extinction
6. Forest Fires
7. Global Warming
8. What Can We Do?


The exhibition concludes on a hopeful note, encouraging visitors to plant a tree using a digital interactive. An anonymous benefactor has pledged to plant a real tree for every digital tree.


The design approach for this exhibition is to engage visitors in an immersive and interactive educational environment. The goal is to promote engagement for visitors to connect with the information provided in the space.  The topics discussed will be sectioned in the gallery to transform each person’s experience in the area. The immersive scenes’ and interactivity arrangement will create a story and a subtle state of urgency to initiate a form of action from what they are learning.

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To conclude, visitors will leave the exhibition having gained more knowledge of the environment, what it has done for people and animals and what humans have down to it, and what they can do in the future to prevent and combat harm to nature. They would receive this information through an immersive and interactive educational environment. This space will create a story and a subtle state of urgency to initiate a form of action from what they are learning.

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